
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day Update - WDW Marathon Weekend Registration 2015

Well this post isn't really about Earth Day per se, but it just so happens to be Earth Day today so that is my title.  Ha!  So I know it's been a while since I've checked in and I owe everyone several race recaps, but I've been busy working on the book.  Those race recaps will come for sure soon, and with some cool PR news, but I just had my creative juices flowing in a different direction.  I just thought I'd check in today because the new batch of race registrations for runDisney 2015 started today.  It was weird for me to not set a reminder on my phone to get online, and have my heart race making sure I didn't miss a spot.  2015 will come and I won't be there.  I'm spending all of my runDisney money on racing every race this year (including the surprise Avengers races), so I will need a couple more years to save up again.  I'm thinking Wine & Dine 2016 and WDW Marathon for the 25th anniversary for sure.  However, I still have to survive this year!  I waited until this afternoon to see how the races were selling.  Maybe I was worried that I would want to sign up, or maybe I'm just a little bummed that after all the fun I am having this year, that I know I'm sitting next year out.  I would live at Disney if I could.  I think most of us addicts would, but it's just not always feasible.  How does everyone pay for it?

Anyway, my run with Katie today was a fun one complete with some "April Showers".  I love playing my Disney tunes and taking her out on the trails.  Happy spring everyone!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Avengers Announcement

Well, I may be the only one who is not excited about this news...  Avengers Super Heroes weekend has been added in 2014. Ugh. #1 issue, financially I can't afford another race, #2 it's again a back to back weekend, and #3 I don't care about Super Heroes. I kind of don't know what to do. I said that I was going to write a book about doing ALL of the runDisney races in 2014, but that was based on the fact that I would be done when Wine and Dine came around. I feel like I'm a fraud if I don't do it, but I am not excited about it. Would it be okay to get a guest reviewer? Will I be disappointed in myself if I don't really do EVERY race? That was the premise. I thought they were adding a race in 2015, so I didn't think I'd have to worry about it. Feeling overwhelmed and bummed. I'm glad it's in California, but that is about it for my excitement level. What do I do?  If any of you out there can help me with thoughts, words of encouragement...  I could use it today.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

WDW Inaugural 10k - 1/10/14

Well, as they say in the theater, "crappy dress rehearsal, fantastic opening night!"  That was this 10k.  Oy!  Lucky for me it was the 10k that was rough to get through and not the full marathon, that would have been WAY worse!

I started the day with my usual up before my alarm worry that I wouldn't make it to the race and got another awesome parking spot!  The fact that I can't sleep before races was going to catch up to me since this was a four days in a row event.  The good news was that on this day I finally found the Team runDisney meet up group and was there for the picture and to meet new friends.  If you haven't joined any running groups or Disney support groups, I highly recommend it.  It is so great knowing you have a ton of virtual friends that are in it with you, and meeting them in person is fantastic.  I met a new friend, Meredith at this very 10k meet up, saw her again at the half, and now we have plans to hang out and do dinner a couple of times over Princess weekend.  This was probably the best part of my day (aside from the medal and being one step closer to Dopey status of course).  Seriously, making runDisney pals is the best!

The race started out kind of yucky for me.  I am not used to humidity where I run in the Pacific Northwest, and I'm sure Floridians would tell me it wasn't that bad.  However, any humidity is worse than none which is my normal thing.  I was sweating before the race even started.  Not to mention my stomach was upset.  I was so nervous considering the bad experience I had with my bowels my last half marathon in December, TMI, but I really didn't want that problem to occur here.  My frame of mind was all off, but into corral B I went.

The first half of the race was the most difficult because it was the most boring.  The first three miles were in the dark outside of Epcot with very little entertainment.  I had wished I had my music, but I was trying to be good and go without it.  All I could think about was how I needed something: one of my running buddies, tunes, a waterfall...  Something!  I said to myself it was okay to walk.  I had planned on taking Jeff Galloway's advice anyway, so here was my first chance.  It was a little eerie walking on a side road in the dark as faster runners passed by.  I was elated to finally turn that right corner and head past Test Track and into a side entrance to Epcot.  That had felt like the longest 3 miles of my life!  Over-dramatic?  Yes.

The last 3 were a breeze!  I was in Epcot and I had the excitement of a child back on my face.  I stopped several times as I rounded World Showcase and took pictures and videos of all the beautiful lights shining in the darkness.  We headed out to the Boardwalk and I thought of Matt and all the fun we had staying there two years ago for the marathon.  I stopped to take a video of it's beauty when I rounded the other side at the Beach Club Villas.  Then off I went again.  I didn't stop again until the finish.  My energy had come back just enough to get me back in the park and past Spaceship Earth. A finish line never looked so good, well at that moment, finish lines ALWAYS look good to me!  I collected my Minnie 10k medal and headed for the bottleneck line and the Dopey bracelet, but no bottle-neck...  no line!  Ha!  They had changed the system to channel us all through several shoots; it was so much better.  I took my second finisher picture grabbed my to go box and banana and headed for the car.  No hovering today, I was done.

The second greatest thing happened when I made it back to my families place.  Katie was still asleep!  I was able to shower and snooze a bit myself before my mommy duties were back in full swing.  Race 2 was done and so was I.  My nerves kicked in a bit, just how was I going to make it if it was going to be this hot tomorrow too?  Stay tuned to find out!

Some photos from the event...

Representing Team runDisney for the 10k!

I'm awesome at photos when I'm walking!  Ha!

Two medals acquired, four more to go!  With a new bib!!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sidetrack thought: runDisney Dumbo Double Dare Registration

Wow!  45 minutes and it's sold out!!!  Thank goodness I didn't work today so I could ignore my daughter for 15 minutes and stalk my computer while I attempted and then was successful with registering for the event.  I couldn't get on at first, but then I saw a post from Matt on the Team runDisney site and I was in!  How do people do this while they are working?  My job as a teacher would not make it so I could slip away to get on and register, so what did you all do?

Here is what I signed up for:  the Dumbo Double Dare (10k and half for Disneyland), the family 5k, and the new welcome event.  Oh I am such a sucker!  The new welcome event includes (according to the runDisney website):

  • Official Welcome from runDisney
  • Question and Answer Session and Dynamic Warm-up with Runner's World Experts
  • Official Welcome to California with a ride on Soarin' Over California
  • One (1) hour early entry into "Official runDisney Merchandise area" on Thursday, August 28, 2014
  • runDisney bag which includes a runDisney tech shirt and a Runner's World Magazine

  • I figure this is as close as I will ever get to a meet up, so I might as well go for it!  Hopefully I will finally meet Bart Yasso in person!  Hopefully!  

    Okay so my other thought is this...  How come runDisney actually still posts price changes for signing up in the future?  Almost all of the races hit capacity before the increase in price happens, so why do they still advertise that?  Does anyone think the will go to a lottery system like Boston or the Marine Corps Marathon?

    All just thoughts at this point...  I'm curious what others think.  I am just relieved that I made it in.  The book was going to be tricky if I did not.

    Sunday, January 26, 2014

    WDW 5K Recap - 1/9/14

    I know the race was a couple of weeks ago, but I've been a little busy with running other races, catching up with "actual work", and traveling that I have not been able to do my race recaps.  They will all come one by one in the next couple of days (weeks), I promise!

    It was interesting running in this race considering it was actually my first 5k.  That fact didn't dawn on me until much later, but it is a weird thought.  My first race was the Shamrock 8k in Portland Oregon back in 2011 and everything since then has been a 10k or above.  So for a first 5k experience this was an interesting one.  I arrived way early, as I am apt to do, and it actually started misting.  I felt like these are my normal conditions only slightly warmer so I was good.  I kept an eye out for fellow Team runDisney folks, but I missed them all that morning.  I did however notice that most of the people hanging out with me in corral B had on Dopey bibs much like myself.  Little did I know that we would all be sticking so close together through the entire course.

    The course was great!  We ran out of Epcot parking lot and to the right to come in to World Showcase close to Mexico and Norway.  There are few things as beautiful as World Showcase all lit up.  I tried to soak as much of it in as I could, but I was unable to shake my pack.  I felt a bit like cattle considering all the runners around me were sticking to a 9:45-10 minute mile.  I felt like it was fast, but I couldn't find a spot to slide into to slow down.  I went with it.  The adrenaline was pumping so I rounded World Showcase enjoying every little view I took in.  Before I knew it I was heading out past Spaceship Earth and back into the parking lot for the finish.  It was still dark!  33:09 was my final time for this "warm up" run.  I wondered though if that was too fast.  This being the first and shortest of four runs this weekend, I knew I would need to do something differently the next two days in order to survive the marathon on Sunday.

    Just as the pack went out together, we arrived at the finish line together.  In the largest clump, all of us waiting to get our coveted 5k wristbands we funneled past the water and Powerade.  It seemed chaotic, but it moved relatively quickly after the initial stop.  It felt like somebody threw a party and about 50 extra people showed up.  However, I had my "medal" and my wristband, so I was ready for picture number one of the experience.  I grabbed my awesome box of snacks and headed back to the rental car noshing on my earned banana, for I knew I'd be back at the same place the very next day.

    Fantastic first run, but there was way more to come...

    A few pictures from the event...

    Okay, very few.  Ha!  More will come in the next posts and the book of course!

    Wednesday, January 22, 2014

    Posts to come...

    Here is a sneak peak at what is to come...  I plan to update every couple of days from now until Princess half, but I've got to get my students through finals first!  All I can tell you so far is 71 miles, 7 races in 11 days with 9 medals is just AMAZING!!!  More to come...

    Monday, January 6, 2014

    1 More Sleep... And it All Begins.

    A quick one...

    As I woke up this morning to go back to work today after winter, it hit me...  "one more sleep"!  How nice to come back from break for one day then head off to Walt Disney World!  Beyond excited over here.  Then when I was about to head to my classroom  the theme song for Chariots of Fire came over our PA (we do passing music instead of bells) and I thought, "how fitting".  2014 is going to be a phenomenal year!  This year is all about making my dreams my reality.

    See you all in Florida!

    Sunday, January 5, 2014

    Getting Nervous...

    The realization has set in...  Here it is... Three more sleeps and I'll be in Florida!  A myriad of emotions are rolling through me right now. Will I forget something? Will I get everything done before I leave? Having a 14 month old changes everything. Not to mention, I feel guilty taking her away from her daddy for 6 whole days. Ideally Matt would be coming with us, but it just didn't work out that way.  So come Tuesday morning he'll be dropping us off at the airport for my big adventure.

    Then there are the thoughts of my body... Will my knee hold up? Will my toenails survive?  Ah, but it's all just nerves. I've trained, I've done races leading up to this, including a 35 mile and 40 mile weekend.  48.6 isn't that much more, right? I mean other people run ultras and way bigger races than this one. I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be for the runs, but I'm not ready to go. Packing...  Hmmmm...  It would be bad enough if it was just me, but I'm taking Katie.  Carrying all of our stuff and her is going to be challenging to say the least.  Because of that I may be rethinking some of my costume choices and wardrobe while I'm there. Conserving space is probably a must.

    None of this will matter when I finally make it there.  I have been training and thinking about this for almost a year, and it's finally here!  The exhilaration of storming the castle, literally, passing cheating fans, and earning all the bling and swag, yes, I am so ready! I can't wait to be surrounded by fellow running community buddies who are just as nuts about Disney as I am, so much so that they are stepping up to this crazy Dopey Challenge. 

    Yep, I'm writing this as I can't sleep because I am so excited to get this show on the road.  I need to get the sleep though, for it have three of those left until I'm there.  To get the New Balance shoes, more Rawthreads, other running swag, ugh! These thoughts don't stop!  But I will let them go for now and say good night for now.  I'll keep everyone posted as this journey continues.